There are many lessons to be taught that are better taught together, with a group of students and their parents at co-op, and character is a prime example! Many homeschooling moms are discouraged by the daily on-going battles that often take place in the home: sibling rivalry, interruptions, laziness, selfishness, and more. Coming together weekly at a co-op provides an opportunity for encouragement for the moms as well as a support system that can be used to further instill character into the students at the co-op!!
Regardless of the subjects covered at co-op, lessons on character can easily be added to schedule of events. Begin with including specific memory verses that address character issues. Include video clips and articles from current sources to use as an example to the children of others who exhibit great character traits. Use misbehavior during co-op to pause the current teaching and address the behavior issues right then and there. Our children become so accustomed to our correction that it often goes in one ear and out the other, but when they see other adults putting emphasis on character it makes an impact.
How can you incorporate character lessons into your co-op? I have two suggestions. One is to design a co-op around character traits. The other suggestion is to intentionally weave character lessons throughout the co-op experience.
For more specific instructions listen in to the podcast on the Ultimate Radio Network entitled Improving Character via Co-ops when it airs on March 4, 2014 (the show will be archived and available on iTunes as well).
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